Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Sometimes dreams seem a little lofty, but they are still there.

Do you have dreams? Aspirations? Goals?

Sure you do. You're human. Even if you dream that the dishes would do themselves, you have a dream (a lofty one, sure, but still a dream).

Do you take steps towards those dreams?

The difference between the dreamers and the doers is that: doing. Sacrifice. Mistakes. Getting knocked down and trying again. Shaking off that dust and moving forward.

"Dusty roads mean dirty feet." -Sara Watkins

I have ideas of what I want to do with my life (dreams). I have aspirations (ultimately, work for myself). And that takes sacrifice. I work longer hours. I work at one job that I don't like so much. I try new things- some work, some don't.

So here I am on this unsuspecting Tuesday morning, thinking and dreaming. I have another full day ahead (of stuff and work that I don't really want to do). But I will also have a few evening hours to create, design, write, and promote. I will have a choice! Television or invest in my dreams. "Chill out" or invest in my dream. Even goof off! or invest in my dream.

Make it happen.

What dreams are you pursuing? Are you making sacrifices to get there?

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